15 November 2011


Sexy Zone will release their debut single tomorrow!!!! I think this will be a great start for them. !!!
I LOVE their PV!!!! I love the song as well!!!!! Usual debut songs, well...  still i like it!!!  I love Kento!!!!
Kanjani8 will release their album "Fight" tomorrow also!!!
So many to look forward to!!!!!!

I'll be waiting for the download links!!!!!!

08 November 2011

school time again

The second semester really started. Well, I think I have prepared myself for all the activities expected. This month our group will conduct our research on Iloilo River. I hope that we can be successful. We will still have more quiz bees i think. hmmmm....  We will also have our post Halloween Party on November 11... 11/11/11.. A really nice date. It's the birthday of Tegoshi!!! Kyaaaa!!! He's turning 24!!!

3 days to go!!!!! I am excited.!! I hope I can greet you on your birthday, but I will be on school having Halloween Party.. So i guess I'll greet you in advance before your birthday!!!! :")

26 October 2011


Hello minna- san!!!! I just recreated my blog... This will be all about my Jpop fandom especially about NEWS and Hey! Say! JUMP.

To start off, here are some pictures!!!!